Wednesday, March 19, 2014

5 years out: Analysis of my first 5K

At the end of this month it will have been 5 years since I ran my first 5K.  It was in Delaware - an easy route in the misty rain.  Cool temps.  I remember making it to the half way check point no problem and then almost dying on the trip back.  I ran it with my good friend Kellie.  We motivated each other - she's a great runner.  She never goes too fast or too slow.  She always maintained a great pace.  It was fun running with her. And she was patient with me…..
We finished the race that day in about 33 minutes.  So around a 11 minute mile pace.  We trained starting in January.  It was touch at the beginning, but we finished the race and I was able to put that notch on my belt.

Fast forward to today.  I'm 5 years older.  I have 2 more kids.  I have less time.  I am out of shape.

There is no denying these statements.  They are what they are. And they seem to be bigger speed bumps in the process to returning to an "in-shape" self that I had 5 years ago.

My workout routine is spotty at best.  In 30 minutes I can cover about 2.25 miles now.  A little less if I'm pushing a baby in the stroller.  I'm not disappointed in that at all.  I'm not even that sad about my weight.  I'm frustrated by the lack of muscle tone.  And the only way to fix this is to be more consistent.  

I cannot for the life of me figure out how to manage consistency with my schedule.  The ever fluctuating, different everyday/every week, schedule that involves shuffling kids to school, me to work, home for naps, cooking dinner and so much more.  Life with one child is SO much less complicated you don't realize it until you add a second, then a third to the mix.  Love them to death and wouldn't trade what I'm doing right now for the world, BUT this puzzle cannot be that difficult to figure out.

I've hit the pavement twice this week.  With activities on Tuesday/Wednesday night (that I need to interact with people) I try and avoid getting outside.  There's just not enough time.  So, my schedule must be Sun/M/Th/Fr.  This sounds doable.  But then Brandon will be gone for a week - this is where consistency gets frustrating. And laziness sets in.

So for the next 3 weeks I will try and make myself get out on Sun/M/Th/F.  We are counting down to our next cruise.  I need to put on a bathing suit.  It's do or die time.

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