Monday, June 27, 2011

Marinated Salmon

This was supposed to be Saturday nights meal.  But it ended up being Sunday nights meal.  Have you ever had something down on your list of things to eat and you're just not excited about the meal what so ever???

That was this meal.  Total lack of motivation cooking it.  It started marinated Friday night so Sunday night it had to get cooked or we were pitching it.  And with the budget we're on it was getting eaten whether I wanted to or not.

Funny thing is, after I cooked it and was plating it up, Brandon said he wasn't really interested in eating it either.  Really?!  (That's my current quote of the month.  I say it non-stop according to Brandon).  But we both ate it anyways.

Here's the marinade: (the filet was around 2/3 pound)

1/2 cup of low sodium soy sauce
2 tsp of minced garlic
1/2 tsp powdered ginger
1/4 tsp ground red pepper

Obviously the longer you marinade it the stronger the flavor.  Our even got a little crispy on the grill which was good.  The salmon I used had skin on it.  I hate skin.  I was unaware that if you grilled with skin on it, the skin just peels off EASILY while its cooking? lesson I have ever learned!

I grilled it on med-high heat probably for around 4-5 minutes each side.  It started to flake, so I knew it was done.

We had it with a side of grilled squash and zucchini.  MJ liked the salmon.  JJ didn't even try it.

Cost breakdown:

Salmon filet: $7.50
Veggies: $1.00 (zucchini was free from a friend!)
Marinade: $.25

Total Cost: $8.75
Cost per person (on 3 since MJ ate it): $2.92

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