Sunday, June 19, 2011

Phase 3: Spice Cabinet. We're almost there!

So, after making two batches of jam today, I decided to tackle the spices that were all over my counter.

I moved them into the categories I talked about before.  I was not surprised I had a lot of duplicates and a lot of stuff that was out of date or just that I didn't use.  I threw away probably 10% of the stuff that was there before.

Level 2 & 3 stuff I just replaced into baskets and put them up in the cabinet.

Level 1 stuff - the stuff I really use a lot - I put in the jars and placed on the bottom shelf.  This was salt, black & red pepper, baking soda, baking powder, corn starch, garlic powder, garlic salt, ground cumin, etc.  I didn't have quite enough jars to make the whole bottom shelf, but its still made it a bit more organized than before.


So, the last phase will be to be putting a label on the inside of the cabinet door so I know what's on each shelf.  I hate when I'm cooking and have to sift through everything.  Or I think I have something and I don't.

We're almost there.  And I'm liking how it looks so far!

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