Thursday, June 16, 2011

Well, I tried.

So keeping on a budget is just harder than you can ever anticipate.  You just don't think about little minor expenses you might encounter during the week.  Yesterday alone, I added these expenses:

Home Depot (2 tomato cages, flashlights, and chalkboard paint): $21.00
Papa Johns (because the kids wore me out yesterday): $23.00

So, my $84 trip to the store Monday lasted 2 days.  Bummer. And already this morning I had more purchases:

Walgreens (Father's Day Cards, Milk): $12.00
Krogers (prescription): $5
Whataburger (because I have wanted a Taquito for I can't tell you how long): $6.40

Yep.  A wash.  Maybe $100 is unrealistic for our family?  I'm back on the cooking wagon tonight. 

I need to be a little more tough too.  I know we can do it, but I give in too easy (Brandon is probably laughing at that comment).  So I need to reevaluate my plan of action.  If not eating out lunch once a week is not possible, then maybe I need to just budget for it.  Its gonna happen so might as well admit to it and just put it on paper.

We'll see - this is a work in progress, an experiment.  Hopefully we'll make positive progress in the weeks to come.


  1. Money is such a pain! My mom told me that I took her until I was in middle school to get on a budget! You'll get it down :) you're super intelligent and on resourceful mama!

  2. Thanks girl. Its sort of a challenge too. We're going to start pulling money out and just pay cash for food/eating out/extras. That way when the pot gets low, we don't go!
    Who am I kidding - its not fun at all :) Wish we didn't have to worry about it! That would be the best!
