Monday, December 5, 2011


Well, I'm not a total slacker.  But sometimes I feel that way.

Since I started back to work in August I feel like my days have gotten shorter and my weeks have gotten longer.  I feel more tired.  I feel more lazy.  I feel more irritable. 

And that's not an excuse not to blog.  I should take the opportunity to release through this.  But I'm not sure a lot of people would really want to hear what I have to say.  But why does it matter?  I guess it really doesn't.

There have been several things that while I'm driving, eating, running around, I think "I should blog about that."  Problem is I can't ever remember what that 'thing' was.  So when I have the opportunity to sit down and blog I have nothing to really say.

One thing I did want to briefly address, but hopefully stay off my soap box, is the concept of simplicity.  Why are our lives so complicated?  I don't remember growing up in such a complicated life.  What happened to doing things just the way they're written, and not trying to embellish them to the point of being unrecognizable?

To give an example, because I'm sure that makes no sense what I just said, is something I truly love that can be simple or complicated - music.  Right now we hear the all too familiar Christmas songs on the radio, in stores, and just about everywhere we go.  Some we know right away.  Others we stop and think, that's THAT song?  Wow.  Being a musician since I was 5 I have had the opportunity to play things from super complicated to super striped down and simple.  Simplicity, to me, is how a musician can show their true talent.  Because its not all about the runs or the register, its about the feeling behind the notes.  A Christmas carol sung or played as it was intended to be played, even though not all elaborate, can be the most beautiful melody ever heard.

So the moral of the story, in my unsolicited opinion, is keep it simple these holidays and always.  You will find that doing things the way they're intended is less stressful, less overworked, and more beautiful.

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