Monday, March 17, 2014

Catching Up.

Sometimes life gets so busy.  I think about all these cute and cleaver posts to put on my blog. My poor blog that sees no love.

I'm going to try and make it a point to write at least 1 time a week.  We'll go from there.  I think it's fun to look back on things, and in essence this is like a digital diary of my life.  It will be a fun reminder of how things were.

Today is St. Patrick's Day.  My kids are growing up so fast.  JJ is in 1st grade now and doing amazing. He passed the first tests to get into the gifted program at his elementary school for next year.  We'll be proud of him whatever the turn out is, but I love the fact he loves to learn.  Yesterday, I took him and MJ2 to our local park - we actually have a large National Military Park in our town.  We don't often get away without the middle MJ1, so it was nice for him and I to just talk about history and look at all the memorials while MJ2 took a car nap.  He's so smart.  But stubborn too.  He went to school today, the first day back after break, with his uniform on plus a green undershirt so he didn't get pinched.

MJ1.  Spunky girl just had her 4th birthday a little over a week ago.  She's growing so quickly.  We found out that she's made it into our public school pre-K for next year.  She's excited about being a bulldog!  She loves to learn too.  Very sweet, helpful, but also very opinionated.  She's outspoken, and once she feels comfortable, will rule the roost.  I hope she finds her light next year and shines.

MJ2.  Baby girl is 16 months now.  Growing like a weed up and out.  Girl has an appetite and keeps me on my toes.  She's starting to talk and understand when I ask questions.  Today when I picked her up at school she had on one sock.  I asked her where her sock was (I saw it was not with her shoes, so knew she had recently lost it).  She walked right over, leaned down, looked under a crib on the other side of the room and pointed.  Stinkin' smart.  Love she's becoming her own personality and starting to communicate and interact with us more.  It's so fun.  Cherishing every last second since she'll always be the baby.

So that's catching up on life.  I'm still teaching preschool and love it.  I have 15, absolutely adorable kiddos this year.  Smartest group yet.  They're insightful and remind me that when our minds are young our imagination and ability to dream big is still so vivid.  I hope they keep that alive as long as they possibly can.  I promise to report more tomorrow.  I have more things up my sleeve, but want to keep this one at a tolerable length.

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