Friday, June 17, 2011

Dilly Turkey Burgers


Isn't it beautiful!?
I LOVE dill.  I love dill dips, dilly fries, and especially dilly burgers.  I haven't made this since we moved to Mississippi - so 6 months.  And I completely forgot how awesome it really is.  PLUS this time I made it with fresh dill from my garden.  If you don't have that - look in the produce section for tubes of fresh herbs (usually refrigerated, near mushrooms).  That works just as well. But fresh, well to me, is almost that much better!
My little helper.  This was her the WHOLE time I was trying to cook.  Long nap = not happy MJ.
Here's what I used:

1lb ground turkey meat
1/4 cup fresh dilled, chopped coarsely
1 egg
1/2 bread crumbs
2tbs lemon juice
1/2tsp salt
1/4tsp pepper
1 garlic clove, minced

Preheat oven to 375F.

Lightly beat egg. Add remaining ingredients and mix well. Form into patties (I made 4).  Place on lightly-greased foil lined baking sheet.

Cook for around 24 minutes, flipping once, or until internal temperature reaches 165F.

Dill before chopping.
Dill after chopping.

All ingredients before adding turkey.
Mixed together
Going in the oven.
Done. :)


Maybe she was just hungry - MJ loved her turkey burger!

**Note: You can grill these - I'm just a little hesitant since I'm queen of disaster when it comes to grilling.  Plus, turkey is way less fatty then beef, so you have to be really careful to not over cook them or they'll be dry.  Cooking in the oven allows you to really monitor temp and they cook more evenly through.  I have yet to have one that is dry from the oven!

Cost breakdown:

Ground turkey: $2.50/lb
Buns: $.75/3
Lettuce/tomato: $1.00

Total Cost: $4.25
Price per person (family of 4): $1.06!


  1. I get ground 85/15 turkey at walmart for 2.18 or so a pound. They are rolls so I can stock up and store in the freezer. We only really eat ground turkey anymore, instead of beef. Also, that's a LOT of dill! I wish I had your herb garden.

  2. It is way lots of dill. But I want to taste it :) The original recipe called for 2tbs of fresh, chopped. And honestly, 1/4cup ended up being just the right amount.
    I don't know whether ours was 85/15. It was whatever was on sale at Kroger's this week. $2.18/lb is good though! I though I was doing good at $2.50 :)
    I LOVE my garden. Makes for cooking fun :)
