Wednesday, August 10, 2011

School Preparation

Yea - no.  Wish this was my classroom!
So, if you hadn't heard, I got the job!  I'm going to be teaching 4 year olds in about a week and a half.

{Panic Face}

A week and a half?  Yep.  On one hand I am completely and totally ready for JJ to get back to school.  He is about topped out of summer activities.  He is ready to get back to learning and back to his teacher (he is lucky enough to get her again because I am the alternative - that ain't happening folks).

On the other hand I have not taught this age group before - the curriculum is new to me, the classroom is new to me - and I have a week and a half to prepare.  Actually a week from tomorrow to get it 100% ready because next Thursday is parents night!  WHOA.  (And what am I doing right now - blogging, talking to Anne on FB, and shopping for a new coffee pot).

So I have been reading the curriculum, looking at the workbooks and trying to figure out a POA (my abbreviation for plan of action).

I feel pretty confident that I can teach the curriculum.  Its 4 year olds, not Calculus.  But I'm more afraid that I will not occupy their time enough.  I know my child who is 4 (he'll be 5 in like 3 weeks?!?!) needs every minute of his time focused on an activity.  When I start to lose control of him is when its unplanned, unscripted, and chaotic.  This is what frightens me.  What if I lose my place?  What if I skip something?  The other 4 year old teacher has been teaching for YEARS.  She is so sweet and did an amazing job with JJ.  I know for a fact that I will not reach the caliber of teaching that she has.  It will come with experience.  But I need to make sure my students have just as good an experience and stay busy!

I'm fretting over something I know that even hours on end of preparation I will still be stressed.  I just have to go in and be me.  Smile, laugh, and teach those kids how much God loves them.

Oh - did I mention that is will be MJ's first time there too!?! {MAJOR PANIC FACE}

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